Thank You to Healthcare and SVDP Workers

The Foundation extends our deepest THANK YOU to all healthcare workers in our parishes! You are truly giving your life for others during this Covid-19 pandemic, and making deep sacrifices to give your time and effort to help and comfort the sick and suffering.

We also say THANK YOU to volunteers and parish staff helping with the St. Vincent de Paul Center, our joint parish ministry that serves those in need in our community.  May your efforts of mercy bring peace and joy to those who cross your path.

Thank you for sharing your abundance and gifts,
For touching lives and lifting spirits.
Blessings and thanks for the many works of your hands.
May your hands bring healing to all those you touch.*

The Corpus Christi Foundation lifts all of you up in prayer, as you love and serve our local community.  May the Lord bless you and keep you safe as you carry out His work.


*excerpt from A Blessing of Healing Hands, Catholic Health Association of the United States